Anniversary: HAL Laboratory Is 45 Years Old Today

Kirb your enthusiasm. Whip up a last-minute cake and bring out the candles because we have a big birthday on our hands, folks. HAL Laboratory, the company behind Kirby, the OG Smash Bros., EarthBound and another boatload of beauties that we’ll get to in just a moment, has turned 45 today. Yep, on 21st February…

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Gallery: Here’s A Closer Look At The London Pop-Up Pokémon Center’s Exclusive Merch

Type advantage against bank ballances. The Pokémon European International Championship has once again returned to London this year, bringing with it competition, events, hands-on opportunities and, of course, merch. Yes, London’s pop-up Pokémon Center is back at the ExCel until 23rd February, and it is once again packed with enough exclusive goodies to make even…

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