Random: This Retro Gaming Handheld Sure Looks Familiar

Switch who? ‘Retro gaming company’ Sjgam has just revealed its latest handheld, the ‘M20 Pro’, and while it appears to be far from the best emulation device money can buy, its design looks… familiar. Let’s not beat about the bush here: it’s a Switch (thanks for the heads up, Notebookcheck). According to the Sjgam website,…

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Feature: Citizen Sleeper Dev Talks Sequels, Stress, And Creating “My Own Take On The Mass Effect Series”

Wake up, Sleeper. Citizen Sleeper was, coincidentally, one of 2022’s sleeper hits. With its combination of top-tier writing and decision-based gameplay, this table-top-inspired RPG and space adventure pulled us into its airlock and wouldn’t let us out until we had played through the emotional damage of witnessing every possible outcome (and yes, that includes the…

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