Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang’s simple reminder that useful quantum computing is a long way off has somehow caused industry stocks to plummet

Remember when a computer meant something that used traditional, familiar algorithms? Ah, simple times. Now we not only have machine learning—aka, supposed “artificial intelligence”—but also quantum computing, which uses microwaves to get qubits to do wacky and seemingly impossible things. Regarding the latter kinds of computers, though, Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang reckons we’re quite far…

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Today’s Wordle answer for Thursday, January 9

Whether you’re after some specific advice for Thursday’s Wordle or are just hoping to read something that’ll make the game a little easier, we’ve got something here that can help. Take a look at today’s hint if you’d like some guidance, and make sure you use our convenient collection of tips to supercharge every single…

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The Witcher 3’s now 2-year-old bonus quest is our first taste of the ‘vibe’ CD Projekt is going for in The Witcher 4

The Witcher 3 turns 10 this year—in just a few months, even—and it sure doesn’t feel like it’s that old. Some parts of it actually aren’t: late 2022’s “next-gen” update included a ray tracing overhaul, integrated a handful of mods, and even added one brand new quest, with Geralt voice actor Doug Cockle getting growly…

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