I finally built the mini PC I’ve been dreaming of and it made me realise we’ve come a long way from cramped cases and fiddly connectors

The smaller the PC, the bigger the problems. That’s what I’ve long believed in my many years of building relatively functional computers. You have to consider tolerances, sizes, form factors, and cooling more carefully when working within a tight space. Yet what surprised me about this mini PC build was how easily it came together….

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After the ‘change of regime’, spinning off Intel Foundry is an ‘open question’ for the CPU manufacturer

Intel Foundry, Intel’s answer to chip manufacturing giants like TSMC, is already pretty separate from the standard operations of Intel, but the option of entirely separating this portion of the business is apparently still an “open question.” As reported by Reuters, in the Barclays 22nd annual global technology conference, Barclays’ Thomas O’Malley addressed David Zinsner…

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