Dev reveals that Half-Life could’ve been called ‘Bent’, ‘Screwed’, ‘Trash’, ‘CrYsis’, and my personal favourite, ‘Dirt’

Dario Casali, who started working at Valve in 1996, has started his own playthrough of the original 1998 Half-Life on YouTube (thanks, Gamesradar). The episodes are coming out at a blistering pace, with Chapters 1 through 8 already released, but the Chapter 1 walkthrough comes front-loaded with a fascinating glimpse into the classic’s early development….

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Diablo 4 developer hints that the search for the secret cow level is going in the right direction: ‘If people have picked up any items from their cow campaigns, they should hang on to them’

The search for the Diablo 4 cow level is much more than a cowspiracy (apologies) at this point. IGN spoke to the game’s production developer Tiffany Wat, and associate game director Joe Piepiora at BlizzCon 2023 where hints were dropped, adding more fuel to the fire. It’s not much to go on, but Wat may…

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Amelia Tyler, Baldur’s Gate 3’s narrator, talks putting a voice to the Dark Urge’s ‘feral, visceral, animalistic, want to tear the world apart with [its] teeth’

Baldur’s Gate 3 has voiced narration—a lot of it, as I’ve personally confirmed by playing the dang thing while having the sound turned on. I recently had the pleasure of speaking to the voice behind the game’s reams and reams of narration, Amelia Tyler, earlier this week.  While Tyler’s dulcet tones do stay largely consistent,…

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