Creator of radical Starfield stealth kill montage talks virtual choreography and Cyberpunk 2077—’regarding combat and stealth … Cyberpunk takes the cake’

I love a good choreographed kill video. There’s something so crunchy and satisfying about seeing someone elevate a game like Starfield—similar to the rush you get watching your favourite wrestler or a movie like John Wick. You know it’s all been pre-planned, you know there’s some kayfabe involved, but it’s sick enough that you don’t…

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Starfield player cobbles together an industrial factory with over 3,000 placemats—and that’s just to get the floor level

Starfield‘s outposts are primarily for mining resources, though if Fallout 4’s settlement building was any indication, this sort of industrial ingenuity was inevitable. Posted to the Starfield subreddit by user Hackoox, this fully-fledged factory floor looks as gorgeous as it does an absolute pain in the butt to build. For all of you hating on…

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