Rant: Windows 10 Auto Updates Sucks

You know that moment: the moment you lose you work because you saved a little too late, or completely forgot save. The moment you look down at your palms. It’s a terrible feeling, especially when your computer crashes. This is why if you’re writing something, do it using Google Docs. Unfortunately, if you’re using Windows…

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The Winter 2016 Turbo

4K? A-OK Ah, the Turbo. How we love thee, with thy i7 CPU and heaps of memory. With clock speeds fast and FPS high, thy power has the ability to make one cry. Well, maybe not cry, but we still look forward to building the Turbo each season. The Turbo is our power rig, only…

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The Winter 2016 Midrange Rig

Anything but average Our Midrange rig gets a lot of flak for its name. “An i7 isn’t midrange,” people say, “and a $1,500 budget is performance grade!” Yes, fair builder, for many our Midrange build would be considered a performance machine. But when we can build rigs with the X99 chipset, the title of Midrange…

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iPhone Could Have Been Unlocked by MDM Software

CBS News reports that the iPhone used by alleged San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook could have been unlocked by using mobile device management (MDM) software that the county purchased but never used. Had the software been installed, the FBI could have easily unlocked the iPhone remotely and gathered all the information stored on the…

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