Samsung Gear VR Review

At a glance Gear VR (+) A lot of varied content; social VR adds a sense of presence; resolution is surprisingly good; only $100!Fear VR (-) Overheats and drain’s phone’s battery life; some motion sickness present depending on experience; can get heavy and cause eye strain after a while Competent virtual reality on the go…

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HTC Explains Vive Delay

Back on December 9, HTC said that its Valve Software-backed “Vive” virtual reality headset wouldn’t be released to consumers until April 2016. Originally, Vive was slated to launch as a retail unit by the end of the year. At the time of the announcement, the company didn’t provide a reason for the delay. “Since announcing…

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Futuremark Adds Interactive Preview of VRMark to Steam

Upcoming virtual reality benchmark Futuremark’s set of benchmarks are well known and commonly used among reviewers and home consumers alike. Sometime next year, the company will add VRMark to the fray, a benchmark focused on virtual reality performance. Ahead of that release, you can take a sneak peek via an interactive preview that’s now available…

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