Minecraft Bedrock Version Coming to PS4

Bedrock is coming to PlayStation 4 tomorrow! “Kelsey,” you gasp in horror, “you’ve given away the whole article in the first sentence.” Don’t worry, beloved reader of PlayStation Blog, there is always more! “So how is this different from the version of Minecraft I can already play on my PS4?” The difference is that the…

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PlayStation Blogcast 352: Can You Dig It?

Email us at blogcast@sony.com! Subscribe via iTunes, Spotify, Google or RSS, or download here On this week’s Blogcast, we interview Sean Velasco of Yacht Club Games about Shovel Knight: King of Cards and Shovel Knight Showdown! Then, we we dig into some hard-hitting listener letters that send at least one of us spiraling into an…

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Share of the Week: 25th Anniversary

This week PlayStation celebrates 25 incredible years! We asked you to pull out your memories from over the years and share your favorite consoles, games, and show off your collections. We were blown away by the response, and are highlighting just a handful of the amazing submissions: gamers_strike displays an impressive gaming setup, complete with…

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