Gravity Rush 2 Demo Out Tomorrow

Greetings and happy holidays, Gravity Rush fans! We’re less than one month away from the launch of Gravity Rush 2, and I’m thrilled to bring you an update on some of the high-falling action that’s headed your way before launch. First and foremost, we’ve previously mentioned Gravity Rush Overture [The Animation], an original production by…

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Happy Holidays from PS.Blog and Friends

No matter which festive holiday, if any, you and yours choose to celebrate, we want to thank you for your support throughout the year. It’s thanks to you, our readers, that we’re able to continue publishing stories on this humble blog. As we reflect on 2016 and look forward to a new year, please enjoy…

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Stake Your Claim in Boundless, Coming to PS4

We were proud for Boundless to be included in the keynote sizzle at PlayStation Experience, and we’re excited to have a constant stream of curious players wanting to get their first look at the game on PS4. Boundless is an epic sandbox where everyone (all players, in all physical locations) inhabits a single online universe….

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