Powers Premieres March 10th, Only on PlayStation

Hey PlayStation Nation! Brian Michael Bendis here again, co-creator of the POWERS comic books and executive producer of the show, and I have some big updates from the set of POWERS, the first original live-action series for PlayStation Network. I’m happy to report that production has wrapped on all 10 episodes of POWERS. Under the…

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Until Dawn’s 5-step Formula for Successful Scares

Admission: I’m a bona-fide horror nut. I love it. Can’t get enough. You name it, I’ll watch it: past-their-sell-by-date franchise sequels, grotty Eastern European video nasties, creepy found-footage indies, cliché-ridden teen slashers, and everything in between. So, PS4-exclusive interactive horror Until Dawn is right up my alley. Duly, last month I sat down with Jez…

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