Freshly Translated 1995 Interview Reveals Miyamoto’s Indie Aspirations For The SNES Satellaview

“if we only had to send the data, distribution becomes much more doable”. If you’ve been checking the website regularly this week, you’ll know that we’ve been posting some previously unpublished (in English, at least) materials that we had translated while researching various topics related to Nintendo. Well, here’s another one that we had hiding…

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Nintendo’s Game Boy Color Becomes A Speedometer

Color me surprised. Remember a short while ago, we reported on an original monochrome Game Boy console being given a second lease of life as a car’s digital speedometer? Well, someone has gone one better than that, transforming the handheld’s successor, the Game Boy Color, into the same thing. Modder James McNichol – who runs…

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GameShark Is Back From The Dead, But As AI

Altec Lansing is releasing AI Shark this year. Video game cheat device brand GameShark is making a comeback, but not in the way you might expect. The brand is being licenced by audio electronics company Altec Lansing, which claims it is working on AI Shark, an AI-based cheat assistant for modern consoles. Read the full…

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