The Making Of: Chandragupta: Warrior Prince – The Indian ‘Prince Of Persia’ Published By Sony

“I wrote the entire design, but the implementation was catastrophic”. The ‘games of the world’ are an engrossing subject, specifically when you look past the dominant geographical triumvirate of America, Japan, and Europe (actually a collection of distinct territories, unfairly homogenised into a single label). My first professional article was in GamesTM #27 covering the…

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Feature: The Brilliantly Subversive CeX Ads That Set Charlie Brooker On Course For ‘Black Mirror’

“Here’s Toby!”. In 2023, the names ‘Charlie Brooker‘ and ‘CeX‘ will perhaps prompt two very different emotions from many people. The former is the acclaimed English presenter, author, producer and satirist who created the wonderfully dark and thought-provoking sci-fi drama series Black Mirror, while the latter is an international second-hand retailer which specialises in buying-in…

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Paku Paku Is Pac-Man Simplified, And It’s Fantastic

“1D Pac-Man”. Pac-Man is one of the most influential video games of all time. Not only has it generated millions of dollars in revenue since its launch, but it has spawned sequels, songs, cartoon shows, merchandise and – of course – hordes of imitators. It’s fair to say that, without Pac-Man, the video game landscape…

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Konami’s X-Men Coin-Op Has Been Ported To Sega Saturn

Demo available now. While many gamers will have fond memories of Capcom’s X-Men: Children of the Atom and X-Men Vs Street Fighter arcade titles, Konami’s 1992 coin-op has plenty of fans. A side-scrolling brawler released at a point when Konami’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game was still fresh in people’s memories, X-Men was sadly…

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Two More People Have Beaten NES Tetris

Fractal161 and P1xelAndy did it within a day of each other. Just before Christmas, 13-year-old Willis Gibson – also known as Blue Scuti – became the first person to “beat” the 1989 NES version of Tetris, one of the most popular variants of the game on the competitive circuit. Gibson – who dedicated the achievement…

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