Guide: All Yakuza Sega Arcade Minigames

Out Run! Space Harrier! Virtua Fighter! Daytona USA 2! It’s fair to say that many people’s minds were blown when Yu Suzuki included fully playable arcade games in his Dreamcast magnum opus Shenmue, and while that series continues to this very day, the retro-gaming torch has passed to another Sega franchise: Yakuza (now known as…

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Review: Atari 2600+ – The Grandaddy Of Gaming Is Back

Time to dust off those old carts. Originally released back in 1977, the Atari VCS (later known as the 2600) was a groundbreaking piece of consumer electronics. Sure, it wasn’t the first ‘game console’ to hit the market, but it was the first to find lasting commercial success; indeed, the name ‘Atari’ became synonymous with…

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