How Half-Life 2 Forever Changed the FPS Genre

In 2024, just over 20 years ago, Valve created Half-Life 2, a first-person shooter that continues the story of silent protagonist Gordon Freeman. Once a humble scientist, Freeman now finds himself in the middle of a global war against a multidimensional species known as the Combine, with humanity’s fate resting in the balance. In short,…

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Quarter Arcades’ Next Two Cabs Have Been Revealed

Are you a bad enough dude to take a look? The Quarter Arcades range is expanding with two new entries, which have been revealed on the scale-model coin-op maker’s Facebook page. Data East’s iconic 1988 title Bad Dudes Vs. DragonNinja and Atari’s 1979 classic Lunar Lander are the two cabinets in question. Read the full…

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Pokemon TCG: 8 Simple Ways to Build a Monster Deck

Building a good Pokémon TCG deck isn’t just about getting rare cards – it’s about making sure every card in your 60-card deck works together to win consistently. With over 64.8 billion Pokémon cards produced worldwide as of 2024, including a huge demand for Japanese Pokémon cards due to their exclusive designs and unique releases, it’s getting…

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