DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION (1998-Present; Arcade & multiple consoles, primarily PS1/PS2) While there are many ways arcade machines can surpass other forms of gaming, my experience with one particular series and genre stands alone with life-changing skill progression and the magic of spectacle! Dance Dance Revolution or “DDR” for short, drew attention with its mere presence…

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MLB Slugfest 20-03: No Arcade? No Problem

Baseball has long been America’s pastime, but after the steroid scandal of the late ’90s, the illegal antics off the field absolutely were paramount to the drama that occurred during games. While the personalities of the game have always been important to fans, players were bigger and stronger and more animated than ever before. Make…

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A History of Atari, Part 2 – by Leonard Herman

From late 1975 and throughout 1976, work proceeded on Atari’snew programmable home system.Bushnell and Atari’s president, Joe Keenan, hoped to release it in time for Christmas 1977, but realized they didn’t have the finances to do so. Bushnell wanted to take the company public but his underwriter believed that that wouldn’t raise as much as…

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SPACE INVADERS – by Eugenio Angueira

In 1978, Taito/Midway took the arcades by storm with their release of a game called Space Invaders. The game was designed by Tomohiro Nishikado, who spent a year developing the game itself as well as the hardware necessary to make the game possible. His concept gave the players the ability to fire a laser into…

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First DLC for ‘Atari 50: the Anniversary Celebration

Atari and Digital Eclipse Announce First DLC for ‘Atari 50: the Anniversary Celebration’ Releases on September 26  Atari and developer Digital Eclipse are excited to share a significant addition to Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration. The Wider World of Atari, which includes 19 playable games and eight video segments in a completely new timeline, takes…

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Antstream Arcade Retro Gaming History: The Net Yaroze

Antstream officially launches on PlayStation 4 and 5 today. Happy Launch day. To celebrate this moment on Antstream Arcade, we look back at the Net Yaroze, Sony’s attempt to bring PlayStation console development to the world. While it revolutionised video gaming when released back in 1994, the Sony PlayStation, unlike the popular home computers of…

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Atari 50 – ‘The Wider World of Atari’ DLC

New York, NY (September 26, 2024) —Today, publisher Atari and developer Digital Eclipse are thrilled to announce the launch of the first major DLC to the critically acclaimed Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration. Titled The Wider World of Atari, this DLC features 19 playable games and eight video segments set in a brand-new timeline. Delve…

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