Burnout Paradise Remastered trailer for Nintendo Switch

Mario Tennis Aces May 2020 content now available

If you own Mario Tennis Aces on your Nintendo Switch system then you will have probably noticed it has had a new update. This update brings with it the May 2020 content which includes the following: Toad Tennis Outfit (500 participation points) Toadette Tennis Outfit (1,000 participation points). Yoshi’s Ring Shot co-operative challenge has also…

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Nintendo: Xenoblade Chronicles DE allows you to switch remastered and original soundtrack while playing

Nintendo of America has confirmed this evening that you will be able to switch between the original and remastered soundtrack in Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition while you are playing through the game. This is a neat addition to what sounds like a fantastic remake. Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition is due out on Nintendo Switch on…

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