Video: Nintendo Minute “tackle some super hard Fire Emblem would you rather questions”

Share of the Week – PS4 Homebase

Last week we asked players to share a peek into where they’ve set up their PS4 homebase. Across the world, PlayStation fans sent in the view of their gaming set up using #PS4share and #PSBlog. From cozy living rooms and neon lit desks, to themed displays and minimalist designs, here are this week’s highlights: cnpalmer75‘s…

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Nintendo says that there are “more than 15,000,000 accounts worldwide with a paid membership to Nintendo Switch Online”

Nintendo’s president, Shuntaro Furukawa, has confirmed at the company’s latest financial results briefing that there are “more than 15 million accounts worldwide with a paid membership to Nintendo Switch Online, and those sales occupy a certain presence within our digital sales”. Furukawa continued, saying that “while new members continue to join, there are also those…

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