Square Enix Collective announces The Turing Test for the Nintendo Switch

Share of the Week – The Witcher 3

Anyone interested in a round of Gwent? How about some splendidly colorful captures from The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt? Last week, we asked you to take a journey back through Geralt of Rivia’s quest and share your best moments using #PS4share and #PSBlog. Toss a coin to this week’s highlights: Geralt looks clean-shaven and…

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US: Nintendo download for 23rd January 2020

This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content: Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch Kentucky Route Zero: TV Edition– A magical realist adventure game in five acts, Kentucky Route Zero: TV Edition features a haunting electronic score and a suite of hymns and bluegrass standards. Rendered in a striking visual style that draws as much…

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