New The Last of Us Part II Gameplay Details Revealed

DayZ Gets its Second Official Map Soon

Bohemia Interactive is proud to announce the upcoming release of the first official DLC for their hit hardcore survival game. DayZ’s second official map, Livonia, will be available to purchase soon on PS4, and is showcased in our new trailer. Based on the recently released map from the Arma 3 Contact spin-off expansion, the Livonia…

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Purchase PS4 Consoles, Accessories, Games Directly from PlayStation Starting Today

Hi PlayStation fans, today we’re launching our own online store to offer PS4 consoles, accessories, games, and more directly from PlayStation for fans and gift-givers in the US, who can visit a single destination. Integrated within the website, you can now easily navigate from hardware and game product information pages directly to purchasing these…

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Stardust Odyssey Announced for PS VR

The underlying idea behind the artistic concept of Stardust Odyssey was to avoid a conventional, hard sci-fi universe. The aim was to create an 80’s-style, French sci-fi universe inspired by the likes of Mœbius and Jean-Claude Mezières, leaning more towards a world of fantasy based on magic and not industrial, advanced technology. We wanted to…

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Gorn Battles to PS VR This Winter

You’ve asked on our livestreams. You’ve asked in our forums. You’ve even asked our artists on Twitter. You’ve asked so many times that our Community Manager wakes up in cold sweats. Now, the time has finally come for us to answer. Free Lives, along with Devolver Digital, are excited to announce that Gorn will arrive…

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