Memories of Mother: How the Music of God of War Brought Faye to Life

Share of the Week: Warframe – Fortuna

The Warframe community blew us into another solar system last week with their detailed and spirited shares, pushing us to go back for another round of spotlights. Luckily this week also saw the launch of Warframe’s latest expansion Fortuna. Warframe players set out to the frigid frontier of Venus to share more action-packed shots using…

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Smash Hit Plunder Blasts To PS VR, Out Now

Smash Hit Plunder is out in the US regions! You can play the game single-player, but you can also play together with friends and family with local co-op and vs. multiplayer gameplay using the TV screen. Single Player & Co-op Smash Hit Plunder has a full single player campaign, with plenty of story and levels…

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PlayStation Blogcast 315: Festive Favorites

Email us at! Subscribe via iTunes, Spotify, Google or RSS, or download here This week, the gang takes an early stab at some Game of the Year nominations, Sid reveals his first impressions after going hands-on with Resident Evil, and more. Enjoy! Stuff We Talked About Resident Evil 2 Celeste Astro Bot Rescue Mission…

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