H1Z1: Battle Royale Launches on PS4 August 7

H1Z1: Battle Royale Launches on PS4 August 7

Hey everyone! I’m excited to announce that H1Z1: Battle Royale is leaving Open Beta and launching on August 7! To celebrate H1Z1’s official launch, we’re adding a host of new features. Let’s take a look… New weapons and a new vehicle We’re excited to bring two new weapons to H1Z1: the explosive RPG and deadly…

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Boundless: Out This September, New Trailer

Hey there PlayStationeers, it’s been a while since you heard from us, so I’m super excited to reveal what’s going on with Boundless. You may remember that we announced that we’ll be coming to PS4 a couple of years back. Well, today I’m pleased to confirm that our release date for Boundless on PlayStation will…

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Guacamelee! 2 Brings Pollo Power to PS4 August 21

Late last year, we announced that Guacamelee! 2 would be released… “soon-ish.” Well, soon-ish has almost arrived at Drinkbox Studios! We’re thrilled to announce that Guacamelee! 2 will launch for PS4 on August 21st for $19.99, and that you can pre-order the game right now at PlayStation Store with 20% off for PS+ members! Check…

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