Fan-favorite “Back in Black” Maps Arrive for Black Ops 3 & Black Ops 4

Destiny 2 Q&A: Why Bungie Killed Cayde-6

Of all the characters in the universe of Destiny, Cayde-6 has been one of the series’ most popular. The wise-crackin’ Hunter Vanguard has been one of Bungie’s most recognizable faces (and voices, thanks to the inimitable Nathan Fillion) for years — so why did they just kill him off during our E3 2018 Showcase? We…

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The 23 Biggest Trailers From E3 2018

Dazzling new reveals and expanded looks at hotly anticipated games: yep, it’s E3 season alright. With the dust barely settling on this year’s conferences it’s time to relive the biggest new trailers of the past four days (or watch them for the first time). Carve out some time out from your schedule, grab your headphones,…

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PlayStation E3 Showcase Recap

Our E3 2018 Showcase is over! And I hope you agree that the future of PlayStation is looking brighter than ever. Hot on the heels of God of War and Detroit: Beyond Human, PlayStation’s Worldwide Studios are brewing up revolutionary new games designed to push the medium to new frontiers. We got an extended look…

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