First Details: New Game+ Mode in God of War

First Details: New Game+ Mode in God of War

Whether you’ve defeated all the Valkyries, conquered the daunting combat trials of Niflheim and Muspelheim, or simply accomplished your journey with Kratos and Atreus, here is one very strong reason to stay in the realm of God of War: New Game+. Since the launch of the game, from every social media and forum corner in…

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Grand Operations and Multiplayer in Battlefield V

Hey, this is David Sirland and I’m the Multiplayer Producer on Battlefield V, which launches on the PlayStation 4 in October. With Battlefield V, we’ve created a multiplayer experience with unmatched intensity that takes you to the frontlines of World War 2 in a multitude of previously unseen and innovative ways. Battlefield V also includes…

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Lend a Hand in Ghost Giant, Coming to PS VR

It’s thrilling how many different ways there are to tell a story. Novels, movies and games all have their own approach – and with VR, even more unique possibilities have arisen. That’s something we want to explore with Ghost Giant, Zoink’s brand new title that we’re very proud to announce today. Ghost Giant | Image…

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Share of the Week: Final Fantasy XIV

Last week, we invited you to share your most miraculous and intriguing moments from Final Fantasy XIV using #PS4share and #PSBlog. From selfies of your characters to the unique architecture found in the world of Hydaelyn, here are the shares that caught our eye: @BlackFlameF50 set the stage with a smouldering shot in the Bowl…

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