Shining Resonance Refrain Launches July 10 on PS4

Detroit: Become Human Goes Gold, Demo Tomorrow

We are extremely pleased and proud to announce today, that after four years of passionate crafting, Detroit: Become Human has officially gone gold! During these four years, we have gone through all possible states and emotions that the development of such a challenging project induces: the pride of working on something special and unique, the…

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PlayStation Blogcast 289: A Night to Remember

Hello! After sharing our unending excitement for God of War, Sid and I dove into why I can’t get enough of Night in the Woods and its hilarious and relatable storytelling. Other topics include Monster Hunter: World, Overcooked, and a spiraling tangent on the resurgence of nostalgia (strap in, folks). Email us at! Subscribe…

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Share of the Week: Moss

Last week we asked you to whip out your PS VR headsets and explore the lush world of Moss. That’s right, you can use the Share button even while playing in VR! While you worked to solve puzzles with the most adorable partner, Quill, you shared your magical moments using #PS4share and #PSBlog. Here are…

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Westworld: Get Set for Season 2

Warning: spoilers for Westworld Season 1! Attention PlayStation Vue subscribers! Westworld, one of my favorite HBO series, returns on April 22. That’s this Sunday! Before the character-driven drama and twisting mysteries continue, we wanted to refresh you on the happenings of the extraordinary first season. In the Loop We begin with the story of Dolores…

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Introducing To Leave, Coming to PS4 on April 24

Dear readers of PlayStation.Blog, Ours is a time of quiet despair. One out of five humans have been diagnosed with some form of mental illness, and though many others have not (yet) been stigmatized with any one diagnostic label, chaotic states of consciousness – such as anxiety, panic, lethargy, dissatisfaction, suicidal ideation, and depression –…

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Disgaea 1 Complete Revealed for PS4

“Your new name is ‘Mid-Boss.’” Ah, what a memorable moment 15 years ago from Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. And now, it’s back! The original Disgaea adventure is getting a complete makeover in Disgaea 1 Complete for PS4! Disgaea 1 Complete will show fans the origins of this critically-acclaimed strategy RPG series that took the West…

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