Introducing Splasher, a Fast-Paced Splatformer Coming to PS4 Sept. 26th

NBA 2K18 PS4 Bundle Comes to Canada September 15

Hey Canada! Now’s your chance to get warmed up for the Raptors season with the NBA 2K18 PlayStation 4 Bundle that’s joining the PS4 team on September 15th, for CAD $379. This Canadian-exclusive bundle features a 1TB PS4 system, a matching DualShock 4 Wireless Controller, and NBA 2K18 Early Tip-Off edition. Featuring unparalleled authenticity and…

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PS Store: August’s Top Downloads

Welcome back! August was a heck of a month for game launches — let’s see who came out on top (besides people who like to play good games, of course). Madden NFL 18 was the most downloaded game on PS4, followed by Hellblade and Sonic Mania. Undertale (a recent favorite of mine) led the PS…

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