Goat Simulator: Waste of Space DLC Out March 21 on PS4

First Look at Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

Last month, I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek at an early version of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Though still early in development, it’s showing loads of promise. I was able to get unprecedented access to the minds at developer Naughty Dog to learn more about its next Uncharted adventure. First, the setting….

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PlayStation Blogcast 242: Hob and Effect

Subscribe via iTunes, Google or RSS, or download here It’s a half-staffed show jam-packed with valuable #content for our dear listeners this week! Join us for lots of Mass Effect Andromeda talk, Justin’s early impressions of Persona 5, and interviews with the teams behind Hob, The Persistence and Farpoint. Phew! Stuff We Talked About Mass…

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Farpoint: Meeting Your Friend on an Alien World

The craggy, barren chasms of Farpoint are already dangerous. Now add the hissing, scampering, spitting creatures that live on the planet and you’ll be more thankful for your rifle in this first-person shooter for PlayStation VR. But why brave such dangers alone? The team at Impulse Gear worked hard to build unique levels that you…

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