Detroit: Become Human New Trailer, New Playable Character Detailed

Destiny: Rise of Iron Announced, Coming This Fall

Greetings PlayStation Nation. This week at Bungie, we’re super excited to reveal the next adventure in Destiny. This Fall, we’ll launch a new expansion entitled ‘Rise of Iron.’ Here is your first glimpse. You’re invited to follow in the footsteps of Lord Saladin in a brand new story that culminates in an epic Raid. We’re…

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Valley Coming to PS4 This Summer

Since we first announced Valley a couple months ago, many of you have been itching to see more jumping, swinging and life-giving action. The response has been incredible and we cannot wait to launch the game so you can all experience the L.E.A.F. suit’s amazing powers firsthand. As our team at Blue Isle Studios gears…

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Harmonix Music VR: The Dance Detailed

This dance party needs you and your music collection to get it started. Harmonix Music VR brings your songs to life across 4 wildly different experiences. We’ve already revealed two: The Beach, a relaxing, surreal landscape with hidden surprises, and The Easel, which allows you to create virtual 3D art that reacts to your music….

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