Nuclear Golf Explodes onto PS4 and PS Vita This Summer

The Drop: New PlayStation Games for 5/10/2016

One last time. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End launches this week on PS4, and brings Nathan Drake’s legendary adventure to a close. Developed by the renowned storytellers at Naughty Dog, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End follows Drake as he travels across the globe in search of a fabled treasure. This final trip deep into the…

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Paragon: New Hero GRIM.exe Joins the Fight

We’d like to introduce you to the latest Hero joining the Paragon roster. We call this Ranger… GRIM.exe. GRIM, the imp, controls his sentry combat robot who executes his every command. Get your first look at GRIM.exe below. You’ll be able to play GRIM.exe as part of our update on Tuesday, May 10. The TL;DR…

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