Enter the Gungeon Dodge-Rolls to PS4 April 5th

Room-spinning Puzzler Refactor Coming to PS4

We’re proud to announce that Refactor, the world’s first Tetroidvania, is coming to PS4! What is a Tetroidvania? Taking elements from classic metroidvanias such as Super Metroid and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Refactor blends them with the falling block puzzle genre to create an entirely unique physics-based puzzle platforming experience. The standard formula of…

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San Bernardino Survivor’s Husband Sides with Apple

Back in December, San Bernadino county employee Salihin Kondoker was shot three times during the attack, and managed to survive. She, too, was assigned an iPhone by the county, but reportedly didn’t use it for personal communication. Now her husband, Anies Kondoker, is speaking out in the FBI versus Apple dispute, taking the company’s side…

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Technolust: Eye of the Beholder

Feast your eyes on this I love looking at good pictures—from old photos dating back to the first cameras, to Ansel Adams, to our modern frequently Photoshopped masterpieces. There’s definitely an art to taking a great photo, and as the son of an artist [Shout out: Hi, Mom!], I appreciate seeing the results of the…

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