Uncharted 4 Story Trailer Revealed

Uncharted 4 Story Trailer Revealed

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is almost done. The game’s launch is right around the corner — April 26th, 2016! Up until now we’ve dropped small hints about Nate’s final adventure. It’s time to finally pull the curtain back and give you the official Story Trailer. But before jumping into it, a warning: We’re being…

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3D Audio, a Tone Generator, an Audio Analyzer

So by now you’ve probably determined that I’m really into audio. As in, really serious about audio. Audio is a touchy subject because well, it’s highly subjective. Everyone’s ears are different, everyone’s preferences are different, and the fact of the matter is, no two headphones or speakers are exactly the same. That’s why this time…

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Zuckerberg Says VR Is The Future of Facebook

On Sunday, Samsung launched two new smartphones along with Gear 360, a camera that can capture video and stills in a full 360 degrees. With that, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a surprise visit on the stage after Samsung presented attendees with a VR experience using Gear VR. He talked about how social networking VR…

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Apple Explains Its FBI Stance in New FAQ

Apple admitted on Monday that it has the capabilities to create a tool to unlock the FBI’s confiscated iPhone, but chooses not to, believing that such a tool would be too dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands. The only way to keep customers safe, according to Apple, is to never create it in…

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Valve Launches SteamVR Performance Test

Valve Software released on Monday the SteamVR Performance Test, a downloadable two-minute sequence from the company’s Aperture Robot Repair VR demo. Valve says this test will determine if your computer is capable of running VR content at 90 frames per second, and if VR content can crank up the visual goodness to the recommended level…

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Bill Gates Not Siding With FBI Despite Reports

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates told Bloomberg on Tuesday that he was “disappointed” about reports stating that he backed the FBI in its current battle with Apple to unlock an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters. That’s not his view on the situation, he said, but added that placing the right safeguards into…

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