Canonical's Ubuntu Linux Arrives in Tablet Form, Doubles as a Desktop

Ninja Senki DX Launches February 23rd on PS4, PS Vita

Remember the 8-bit gaming conventions? Stories told in a 5-second intro cutscene, man-sized shurikens, enemies bumping you into bottomless pits, split-second decision making, revenge! …Ninja Senki DX is all about them. On February 23rd, Ninja Senki DX will be the third Tribute Games release on Playstation Store. However, for me it’s the game that started…

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Doom Coming to PS4 on May 13th

Friday the 13th will be a very big day for Doom fans — along with all of us at id Software. Today we announced Doom will be available worldwide on May 13th, including our collector’s edition featuring one of my favorite Demons, the Revenant. Which had a few of you asking: why that Demon in…

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Google Boots Samsung’s First Android Ad Blocker

Google has confirmed with The Verge that it has removed an app called Adblock Fast from Google Play. The company did not provide a reason, but the app’s developer, Rocketship Apps, claims that Adblock Fast was removed because it violates section 4.4 of Google’s Developer Distribution Agreement. Adblock Fast was developed in conjunction with Samsung…

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Runner2 Launching February 23rd on PS4

I have no idea how we managed to keep it a secret until now, but Bit.Trip Presents… Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien is making its way to PS4 on February 23rd. With The Bit.Trip collection having also just been released, this means that all entries in the Bit.Trip series are finally available on PS4…

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Use Good Headphones with a Modmic

Need to know Product: Modmic 4.0Company: Antlion AudioPrice: $43 (starting)Options: Omni or uni-directional; muteless or mute-ableLink: So you’re into gaming, which means unless you’re a gaming hermit, you’re probably communicating with your friends and other gamers via some sort of “gaming” headset. I never understood the word “gaming” for computer peripherals—they’re usually reserved for…

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Comcast Rolling out Gigabit Internet via Cable

Comcast announced this week the rollout of gigabit Internet connections for a handful of cities across the nation. The new service will hit residences and businesses in Atlanta and Nashville in early 2016, followed by Chicago, Detroit, and Miami in the second half of this year. Comcast hasn’t yet provided pricing information. What makes this…

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