The Rhythmic Beat of Inside My Radio, Out January 19th on PS4

Technolust: On the Move

A desk worthy of my desktop, an electric skateboard, and a 4K TV In case you didn’t know, the Maximum PC office has moved from South San Francisco to San Francisco proper (South San Francisco is actually a different city altogether, and is located, well, on the southern edge of San Francisco). While this doesn’t…

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OCZ Adds RevoDrive 400 and Trion 150 to SSD Lineup

More high speed options Right around this time last year Toshiba was finalizing the buyout of OCZ, which had found itself in bankruptcy proceedings. Toshiba saw an opportunity to pair its NAND flash memory business with OCZ’s solid state storage operations, and because of that, OCZ continues to pump out interesting solutions. One of those…

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Classic Psychonauts Comes to PS4 This Spring

We’re super excited to announce that our classic PS2 platformer Psychonauts is heading to PS4 this spring! Psychonauts follows the story of a young psychic named Razputin in his quest to join an elite group of international psychic secret agents, the Psychonauts! He runs away from the circus and breaks into their secret training facility,…

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