NZXT Capsule Elite review

NZXT Capsule Elite review

It isn’t just mice and keyboards that have received the Elite treatment with NZXT’s latest run of peripherals, as the brand-new Capsule Elite microphone proves. This is another market sector that’s seen quite the explosion in terms of products in the last couple of years with the likes of the Logitech Yeti GX and the…

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NZXT Lift Elite Wireless review

If there’s one big trend in the world of PC peripherals that most folks can behind, it has to be the ultralight gaming mouse. For what’s been the last five or six years, we’ve seen options emerge from the likes of Logitech and Glorious as some of the best gaming mice out there. In addition,…

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NZXT Function Elite MiniTKL review

NZXT’s previous efforts in their Function line of keyboards has totalled some excellent all-round mechanical options with some solid enthusiast-level features. The older Function Mini TKL that Dave reviewed nearly three years ago impressed with its customisability and small form factor layout. This new version keeps some of the same features, although with the word…

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Final Fantasy creator says screw retirement, he’s got one more game in the tank: ‘Humans are greedy creatures, aren’t we?’

Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi left Square Enix in 2003 to found Mistwalker, since when he’s worked on an eclectic mix of games from lavish RPGs to mobile titles. Sakaguchi had previously indicated that after 2021’s Fantasian, which has just received a director’s cut on Steam, he’d be stepping back from the coalface and enjoying…

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