17 Weird Things You Didn’t Know about Tearaway

Ten Free Security Options for Windows 10

10 security software options for Windows 10 Now that Windows 10 is available to download and install, how are you going to protect your system from viruses and malware? Don’t rely on Windows 10 to keep all the nasties off your hard drive, even though it boasts superior security over previous versions. Instead, you might…

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Dell’s Oculus-Certified PCs Will Have Radeon GPUs

Head over Oculus VR’s “Oculus-Ready PCs” page and you’ll see three manufacturers listed at the bottom: Alienware, Asus and Dell. Asus will have the cheapest starting price of the trio, costing $949 while the other two will have starting prices of $999. Asus also provides additional information as does Alienware while Dell says more information…

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Star Wars Battlefront PS4 Beta: Everything You Need to Know

We’re days away from white-knuckle battles, blaster showdowns, lightsaber duels, and sweeping conflicts across iconic Star Wars vistas. The Star Wars Battlefront Beta begins October 8th on PS4, welcoming prospective Rebels and Imperials from around the globe to sample Battlefront’s massive multiplayer modes. To prepare you for the upcoming Beta, we asked Battlefront Community Manager…

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Rock Band 4 Launches on PS4 Tomorrow

Hi from Harmonix development land! With the release date of Rock Band 4 just a day away, we wanted to give you an all-in-one-stop place for everything you need to know about the upcoming release! We have had a blast making this game for you and we hope you have a blast playing with friends,…

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