Valheim player crushes 'hard mode' speedrun competition in under 8 hours, still finds time to appreciate the mountain's solemn beauty

Valheim player crushes ‘hard mode’ speedrun competition in under 8 hours, still finds time to appreciate the mountain’s solemn beauty

In August, Iron Gate unveiled the Trial of Tyr, a competition to see who could complete the fastest solo speedrun through Valheim’s punishing new hard mode. Two months later, the task is complete, with the winner, a Chinese player named Zhengyuan, blowing through the whole thing in under eight hours. Zhengyuan, known in the community…

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Guide: Best Rare Games, Ranked By You

A Rare breed indeed. Founded all the way back in 1985, Rare is one of the United Kingdom’s most famous developers and has been responsible for some of the best-selling video games of all time. Spawned from the incredibly successful home computer developer Ultimate Play The Game, Rare found fame as a ‘studio for hire’…

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Black Friday Starts Now at PlayStation Store

Tuesday is the new Friday at PlayStation Store! If you’re dreading those long lines and storefront crowds come Thursday night, worry no more. Our TGI Black Friday Sale starts right now with steep discounts on AAA games and blockbuster movies – all just a warm, comfy click away. Save up to 70 percent on titles…

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