Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Super Ninja Boy

Poll: Box Art Brawl – Duel: Super Ninja Boy

Hi-yaaah! Welcome to another edition of Box Art Brawl, everyone! In last week’s battle, we looked at the N64 classic, Mario Kart 64. And goodness folks, it really wasn’t a close one, huh? North America and Europe absolutely killed it with 88% of the vote; surely one of the most resounding victories we’ve ever seen!…

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Today’s Wordle answer for Sunday, January 26

Cut straight to the best bit by clicking through to the answer to the January 26 (1317) Wordle. If that’s all a bit too much all at once for a Sunday puzzle session, feel free to sit a while with our hint for today’s game instead, designed to help without handing you today’s winning word…

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After turning over a new, crypto-free leaf, Atari would like to stress that the meme currency ‘RealPongCoin’ does not have its ‘consent or approval’

On January 23, Atari put out a press release disavowing “RealPongCoin” or “$PONG,” a new crypto meme coin whose account on X, “The Everything App,” was launched that same day. Though the company was once poised to go all-in on crypto and NFTs itself, Atari has since shuttered that side of the business and refocused…

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ConcernedApe isn’t ruling out future updates to Stardew Valley: ‘Maybe even 50 years from now, I might add something’

In a January 24 interview with NPR’s All Things Considered, Stardew Valley creator Eric “ConcernedApe” Barone discussed his debut game’s legacy nine years on, including his famous propensity for interrupting development on the upcoming Haunted Chocolatier to put out patches and new content for his 2016 farming RPG. “I do take in a lot of…

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