Facebook Working on Virtual Assistant Called 'M'

Facebook Working on Virtual Assistant Called ‘M’

David Marcus, Vice President of Messaging Products at Facebook, revealed on Wednesday that America’s number-one social network is currently developing a genderless virtual personal assistant called “M.” This new AI will be located within Messenger, the company’s stand-alone chat client. So far there’s no indication when—or if—this virtual assistant will be released to the Facebook…

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The Insane Combos of Transformers: Devastation on PS4, PS3

Long-time Transformers fans know that every single robot-in-disguise has a very specific personality. Grimlock, for instance, probably wouldn’t be described as “neighborly” and Sideswipe isn’t always interested in playing by the rules, but both have a fondness for combat. Optimus Prime, on the other hand, would always prefer a diplomatic solution. Platinum Games, the developer…

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QNAP TurboNAS TS-451 Review

At A Glance (+) Tasty: Great UI;packed with features;accessible from anywhere. (-) Not so tasty: A little expensive, weird app design. Big features, small footprint Over the last several weeks, we’ve taken a good look at a couple of network attached storage (NAS) solutions including the beastly Synology Diskstation DS2515+ NAS and the smaller eight-bay…

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Expert Tips for Building a PC

Build your next PC like a pro We all know that PC stands for “personal computer,” and the best way for it to be truly personal is to actually build it yourself. This is the ideal route for those of us who want to choose and optimize each of the components, so that the rig…

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Microsoft Prototype Keyboard Has E-Ink Panel

Microsoft’s Applied Sciences Group recently published news of a new prototype keyboard the company is working on called DisplayCover. The peripheral is designed for tablets and provides a “thin film” E-ink display with a resolution of 1280×305 pixels. Given this device is merely a prototype, there’s no telling when we’ll see the peripheral actually on…

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