18 years on, The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion's unmatched comedic timing is still enough to go viral

18 years on, The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion’s unmatched comedic timing is still enough to go viral

Oblivion isn’t many people’s favourite Elder Scrolls game—that title usually goes to either its predecessor or successor—but it’s unquestionably the funniest. Yes, Morrowind had The Lusty Argonian Maid and Skyrim sent you to the Moon every time a giant took a swing at you, but Oblivion’s technology and acting combined in perfect alchemy to produce…

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The Gameroom! – by Kevin Butler

As a kid, Jeff Gerson happily dropped quarters into arcade video games and pinball machine machines to prove his skills. He realized this was something he enjoyed and had fun at. To recreate those happy childhood days, Jeff Gerson has realized his dream and built a fully functional 80s arcade in his own home. Not…

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Calvino Noir Sneaks Onto PS4 August 25th

Hello again, everyone! It’s Dan, Harry, and Josh from Calvino Noir. Last time we were on Playstation.Blog we chatted about the game launching on PS4, and the characters. We’re back to talk about the voice acting which brings Wilt, Siska, and Arno to life… and to announce the official release date on PS4! We just…

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