Everything We Know About Windows 10

Free, Surface Hub, Cortana and Hololens UPDATE: We’ve updated the story to include more info on Microsoft’s PC gaming initiative and talked more about the tweaks to Windows 10. Microsoft held a Windows 10 press conference today and revealed a massive amount of details from the upcoming OS and much more. After many rumors, Microsoft…

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Windows 10 Build 10240 Released, RTM Close

Hot on the heels of an unnamed source claiming that Windows 10 Technical Preview 10240 would be the RTM build, Microsoft released 10240 to Windows Insiders on Wednesday… and it’s not the RTM. At least, there are no glaring signs pointing to the possibility. News of the new 10240 build arrive after Microsoft halted the…

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Falcon Northwest Tiki Review

Good luck finding a more powerful PC in a smaller package Back in the day, in order to get an exorbitant amount of PC power, you really needed a hulking desktop. The more likely it was to break your back upon liftoff, the more bad-ass it would be. While a bigger box may give you…

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Hands on: Ninja Theory’s Hellblade on PS4

Hellblade, Ninja Theory’s forthcoming third-person action game isn’t a title that shies away from tackling difficult subjects. A story told through the lens of Celtic warrior Senua’s faltering mental health, it’s testament to Ninja Theory’s vision that they’re creating a game that’s both progressive and honest – and as a recent hands-on play through demonstrated,…

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Never Alone Gets New DLC, Comes to PS3 & PS Vita

Since we launched on PS4 in November 2014, our team has been delighted at the audience Never Alone has found on PlayStation. We’ve received wonderful and supportive feedback from players, including many who felt a personal connection with the themes of the game, which was developed inclusively with members of the Alaska Native community. We…

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