Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition: Couch Co-op RPG Action on PS4

Intel Skylake Review

At a Glance (+) Speed Boats: Good performance; overclocks well; Z170 platform offers new features. (-) Tug Boats: Not much faster than Haswell; still quad-core; no heatsink included; needs new motherboard and RAM. Making waves on Skylake Skylake. The name invokes images of a serene outdoor setting, with clear water surrounded by forests, and blue…

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Asus ROG Outs New Gaming Mouse Called GX860 Buzzard

A new gaming mouse from Asus ROG Looking for a new mouse for your gaming rig? The Republic of Gamers arm of Asus has introduced a new mouse “ergonomically designed” for long gaming sessions. Called the GX860 Buzzard, this peripheral includes high-quality Omron switches, LED illumination (red, orange, or green), and a two-way DPI switch….

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