All Genshin Impact 5.4 livestream codes

All Genshin Impact 5.4 livestream codes

The Genshin Impact 5.4 codes are just another way you can add a few extra Primogems to your stash in advance of the game’s next update. For those who’ve played the game a while, you know the drill, but for anyone new to the RPG, let me explain. Every six weeks miHoYo hosts a livestream…

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A variant of Asus’ Q-release system has been accused of grinding GPU contact pins and the thought is making my teeth hurt

Asus offers several alternative GPU-securing mechanisms as part of its Q-release system, and one has been accused of potentially damaging GPU contact pins. If there’s one internal PC component that has caused me repeated physical pain over my many years of DIY builds, it’s the traditional GPU retainer clip. It’s fiddly to get to with…

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