Wordle today: Hint and answer #875 for Saturday, November 11

Netflix shares images of Leon and Claire from the upcoming Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness series

One of the official Netflix Twitter accounts has recently shared a couple of images of Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield from the popular, zombie-infested Resident Evil franchise. The stills are from the upcoming Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness series that is coming to the streaming service next year that’s pretty much available on nearly every platform…

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The Drop: New PlayStation Games for 8/18/2015

Can you handle the blistering heat from a plasma rifle? The howling screech of an insectoid army? The earth-shaking rattle of armored cyborgs? Prepare for the fight of your life, soldier! Helldivers Super-Earth Ultimate Edition is coming to PlayStation this week. Super-Earth Ultimate Edition packs in the tremendous Helldivers experience along with all the DLC…

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Shadow Man Remastered teaser trailer

Shadow Man, which was originally released back in 1999 on the beloved N64, is getting the remastered treatment and it’s heading to the Nintendo Switch. Nightdive, the studio behind the project, has uploaded a new teaser trailer to YouTube. The video shows over two minutes of gameplay and the studio has stated that Shadow Man…

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E3 2017: The Best Trailers and Game Videos

With so many game updates and announcements at E3, it’s easy to be overwhelmed. So we at PlayStation.Blog like to do our part to simplifying some of the best trailers and game videos to come out of the show. Marvel’s Spider-Man A mammoth eight-minute game demo shows off Spidey’s powerful abilities and a sprawling vision…

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