Absolutely ancient Nvidia GPU used to decode even more antediluvian Roman scroll

Budget Printing Strategies

Get more bang for your printing buck Decades ago, the promise was made of the “paperless office.” In retrospect, we can see how unrealistic that plan was. Whether to hand in a school paper, save a tax return, or sign a legal document, the antiquated technology of printing is firmly entrenched for the foreseeable future,…

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5 Ways Hookbots Aims to Save Couch Multiplayer

Couch multiplayer games are taking back their golden spot in gamers’ living rooms, gathering friends again around your console. Hookbots is a good example of an indie-developed party game that’s making couch multiplayer hot again. Here are five ways they’re doing it. 1. Up to 14 game modes Tree Interactive, the indie studio behind Hookbots,…

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