Low Memory Devices Represent Majority of Windows Phone App Downloads

Jaasta Wants to Sell You a Dynamic E-Ink Keyboard

Keys that can adapt to different applications and languages We’ve already seen dynamic keyboards featuring tiny OLED or LCD screens in place of run-of-the-mill plastic keys, but a new PC peripheral outfit named Jaasta thinks that the dynamic keyboard that the world really needs is the one it is currently developing — the Jaasta Wireless…

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U.S. ISP Beats Others to 10Gbps Internet Punch

Minneapolis is now home to ‘fastest service the world has ever seen’ A couple of month back, South Korean ISP (internet service provider) SK Broadband gave those attending the 2014 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Busan a glimpse of its upcoming 10Gbps (gigabits per second) internet service while the rest of the world, including the U.S.,…

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PlayStation Network Update

The video game industry has been experiencing high levels of traffic designed to disrupt connectivity and online gameplay. Multiple networks, including PSN, have been affected over the last 48 hours. PSN engineers are working hard to restore full network access and online gameplay as quickly as possible. From time to time there may disruptions in…

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Mining for Mods: Grand Theft Auto IV

ICEnhancer is easy to install, and somewhat easy on the eyes While Rockstar Games is taking its time with the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V, PC gamers still have Grand Theft Auto IV to fall back on. Although the game is almost six years old, released back in 2008, modders have updated the…

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Happy Holidays from Edge of Reality

Edge of Reality here, creators of Loadout, stopping by to wish you all a very happy holiday! Launching a game during the holidays is extremely rewarding and exciting, making this time of year even more special! 2014 was a crazy year for us and we’re pumped to finally make our way into the PlayStation community….

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