Video: Nintendo Minute do an Animal Crossing: New Horizons character bracket

Share of the Week – Relationships

Last week, we asked you to dive into your favorite games to share moments with characters that love or hate one another using #PS4share and #PSBlog. From familial bonds to villainous obsession, here are the relationships highlighted this week: Nothing’s stronger than the bond between a man and his horse, like this loving shot from…

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Nintendo says that players will be able to move Animal Crossing: New Horizons users & save data to another Switch “later this year”

Nintendo UK’s website for Animal Crossing: New Horizons contains an interesting tidbit that had not been included in today’s Animal Crossing: New Horizons Direct. According to Nintendo, “this game does not currently support the ability to transfer your save file from one Nintendo Switch console to another. However, a function specific to Animal Crossing: New…

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