Today’s Wordle answer for Thursday, February 13

Whether you’re after a few general tips to help you with Thursday’s puzzle, or you’d like to read a clue for today’s Wordle designed to give you the nudge you need to turn all those grey and yellow letters into winning greens, everything you need is right here. The answer to the February 13 (1335)…

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Using the State of Play showcase to announce a remaster of Days Gone makes it feel like Sony has graduated to deliberately trolling Bloodborne sickos for kicks

Call me naive, but I was hopeful for Bloodborne news at Sony’s State of Play on Wednesday. There were a bunch of signs pointing to it, or at least, it felt that way among the sizable population of Bloodborne fans whose proficiency at conspiratorial dot-connecting has reached disturbing levels. In December Sony released a new…

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Capcom is so devoted to samurai authenticity with the new Onimusha, it went and licensed the face of Japan’s most legendary actor

Japanese actor Toshiro Mifune—best known for starring in films like Seven Samurai, The Hidden Fortress, and Yojimbo for director Akira Kurosawa—has been dead for nearly 30 years. But apparently that can’t stop him from starring in a new videogame in the year 2026. Since December Capcom has been teasing the revival of its early 2000s…

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Stellar Blade launches on Steam in June

PlayStation 5 action hit Stellar Blade has been destined for PC since last year, but it’s been a bit since we heard anything new about developer Shift Up’s plans. That has now come to an end, as a new trailer during Sony’s State of Play revealed two things: a crossover with the studio’s previous game,…

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Turns out the reason Total War: Warhammer 3’s campaign AI sometimes played too defensively was a bug that made it overreact to the presence of even a single hero

Creative Assembly has announced that improvements to Total War: Warhammer 3’s campaign AI are about to go into testing, with a beta due to kick off on February 13. The changes are all about making the campaign AI more active, and the blog post explaining this highlights a fascinating bug the team discovered: “a fundamental…

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Tides of Annihilation looks like Elden Ring if it was based on Arthurian legend and set in modern-day London

Have you ever thought to yourself, what if Elden Ring was based on Arthurian legend, but also dragged into a modern world that’s being consumed by supernatural forces? Maybe not, but Eclipse Glow Games has, and the result was revealed during today’s State of Play showcase as Tides of Annihilation, a “singleplayer, narrative-driven” game set…

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